ITR Forms and Their Applicability- G BAJPAI & ASSOCIATES

ITR 1 - Resident individuals having total income up to ₹50 lakh. Having total income from salary/pension, one house property, other sources (interest etc) and agricultural income up to ₹5, 000

ITR 2- Every income from ITR1, Capital Gains, More than one house property, Foreign Income/Foreign Asset, Holding directorship in a company

ITR 3- Every income from ITR2, Income from Business/Profession, Income as a partner in a firm, Presumptive income> 50 lakhs

ITR 4- Income up to 50 lakh, having presumptive income from business/profession

ITR 5- For Firms, LLPs, AOPs, BOIs

ITR 6- For companies other than those companies which claim exemption u/s 11 ( section 11 allows companies that hold their income from property for religious or charitable purposes to claim an exemption) 

ITR 7- Furnish return u/s 139(4A), 139(4B), 139(4C), 139(4D)

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